Dental Transitions | Jaquay Enterprises
When the time comes for you to transition your practice, you’ll find that the process is far from simple. It can be easy to become confused and overwhelmed when you’re doing it on your own. We invite you to join with Jaquay Enterprise and utilize the proven methods we have in place that will make sure that transitioning is a smooth process for all of the parties involved. Dental transitions are a breeze when you work with our experienced team!
Tabitha Jaquay-Fernandez has worked as a dental transitions advisor for many years now. Tabitha’s number one goal is to help each client both reach and surpass their desired outcome for their dental transitions. She accomplishes this by studying your systems, giving insight about ways to cut unneeded expenses, and finding avenues for working smarter not harder.
One of the unique aspects of working with Jaquay Enterprises is that we always take time to invest in our clients. When someone approaches us and tells us they are ready to buy or sell a practice, our team will spend time with them and make sure that we have a clear understanding of what the top priorities are for them.
Once we have done our due diligence and determined what the fair market value of the practice is, we can begin the process of finding the best possible buyer. This is not a process we take lightly. We believe that it is important to make sure that whoever takes over the practice should be a good fit. We look at things like personality styles, professional skills, and financial vetting before we make a decision. Taking steps like these help ensure that all of the dental transitions we handle are a success.
If you’re interested in working with Jaquay Enterprises, you can find out more by visiting our website at!