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23 Minutes in Hell
23 Minutes in Hell

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Who Wrote 23 Minutes in Hell?

Soul Choice Ministries is an organization built on the belief that those of the Christian faith need to be encouraged to share God’s love with the world around them. Their primary way to share the important message of eternity is through their New York Times Best Selling Book, 23 Minutes in Hell.
Bill Wiese, the founder of Soul Choice Ministries, wrote 23 Minutes in Hell following a life-changing experience almost 15 years ago. Since the book was first written in 2005, it has been translated and published in 15 different languages. After seeing the great impact 23 Minutes in Hell was having across the world, Bill and his wife Annette left their careers to pursue their work with Soul Choice Ministries full-time. 


23 Minutes in HellAfter writing 23 Minutes in Hell, Bill Wiese decided to write additional books to further expound upon the experience he had. His books have offered valuable insight to those looking to learn more about what happens after death. These books are the cornerstone of Soul Choice Ministries.

23 Minutes in Hell

After a life-changing experience in 1998, Bill Wiese wrote 23 Minutes in Hell to share his story with the world. Inside the pages of 23 Minutes in Hell, Bill answers many of the common questions he receives about the afterlife. Questions like: “Where is hell?”, “Are there children in hell?”, and others are covered in this insightful book.

What Happens When I Die?

Following his New York Times Best Selling Book, Bill began to receive stories from others around the world who had experienced similar things. In this book, he shares some of these shocking stories as well as Scripture passages that support the claims.

23 Questions About Hell

In this easy-to-read book, Bill Wiese answers the 23 most commonly asked questions about hell. He uses the Bible as the basis for his beliefs. Bill also is able to provide a fresh understanding of some of these confusing topics. 

Hell: Separate Truth From Fiction

This book is a follow-up to Bill Wiese’s first book, 23 Minutes in Hell. Within the pages of this book, he expounds upon the experience he shared in 23 Minutes in Hell. Both the stories and the message of this book are supported by thorough Biblical research. This enables the reader to separate truth from fiction.

Recession-Proof Living

Before Bill Wiese wrote 23 Minutes in Hell and made the decision to pursue Soul Choice Ministries full-time, he was a successful businessman. In Recession-Proof Living, he shares some valuable lessons he learned during this time of his life. By applying God’s Word to everyday situations, Bill teaches that by living a Godly lifestyle the reader will be able to overcome any of life’s challenges, including those caused by the economy.

Additional Resources

Another aspect of Soul Choice Ministries is to share the story of 23 Minutes in Hell during speaking engagements around the world. Bill Wiese is passionate to share his message and by doing so, encourage believers to educate themselves about the life that follows death. Bill enjoys speaking at church events and conferences. You can learn more about the story behind 23 Minutes in Hell here.
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