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10 Must-Ask Questions When Hiring a Roofing Company

If your roof shingles are rapidly disintegrating, it’s probably time to replace them. The trouble is, you may not know where to start when it comes to hiring a roofing contractor. The 10 questions on this list will help you find the right roofing company to do the job. They will narrow your list and help you find out if the contractor you’re considering is trustworthy and capable of completing your roof correctly the first time. Use the list below to make sure you ask all the right questions before signing on the dotted line.

10 Must-Ask Questions When Choosing A Roofing Company

Many people talk to friends and family when looking for a contractor. While this is a good start, it’s not the only thing you should do. There are questions you should ask to make sure you’re hiring the best company for the job. There are too many companies that take it for granted they have the job and might not be as careful in fixing or adding a new roof to your home. It is important to let them know you have taken time to be educated and you know generally what should be done.

Do you have a refuse container on hand?

When the old roof comes down, you must remove it. Shingles, for example, will need to be disposed of somewhere since they fall off. Make sure your contractor will take care of it.

  • To contain the trash, your contractor should bring a container to the worksite.
  • You should not be required to supply this container or handle the waste after the project is completed.

It is important to know where the container will be placed:

Asphalt driveways can fracture under significant strain. If the container is put on your driveway, you may wind up with a lot more to repair when the work is completed.

Because of this, it’s critical to inquire where the container will be placed and then evaluate the response.

  • What are the conditions in place if a driveway cracks?
  • If not in the driveway, where will the container be placed?

Is Your Company Local?

After a hurricane, head to Florida and you’ll see a caravan of trucks on the road, driven by contractors looking for employment. While some of these may be genuine, what happens when the task is completed and something goes wrong?

If you choose to deal with a business that isn’t close to your home, you may not be able to get them back again if there are any potential issues.

What Is The Warranty On My New Roof?

The most recent changes in dimensional shingles are equally expensive as the older style, and they last longer. The roofs today are designed to withstand high winds and severe weather.

  • It is important to know what the warranty covers.
  • If there is a problem with the installation, who pays for what?

Knowing this before the job starts helps avoid any disagreements later on about how much should be paid by whom. All types of shingles should come with at least a 25-year guarantee.

 How Will You protect My Landscaping During This Project?

Many times, homeowners focus on what’s above the roof and forget about what lies around it. The homeowner forgets about including gutters that we discussed earlier, as well as landscaping.

  • If you spend hundreds or thousands of dollars to plant trees, bushes, and flowers in your yard, you don’t want to come home to a destroyed grass field.
  • Before you go with a firm, find out specifically what measures they’ll take to safeguard your landscaping.

In regards to this special topic, other questions need to be addressed:

  • Where will the ladders be placed?
  • Where will the old shingles and possibly rotten plywood be thrown or dropped so they don’t damage the bushes and flowers that border your house?
  • What will the company do if an accident occurs, and one of its workers or the materials they’re working with destroys part of your landscaping?

Many times the homeowner has their time and efforts have been used in developing your yard. You take pride in it. Take pride now in protecting it.

Is A Written Estimate Provided?

If you don’t have a precise estimate in place before signing a contract, you might be in for a surprise. Make sure you have an accurate quotation for the work before signing a contract.

  • Include the cost of removing the old roof, installing the new one, and any other surprises that may arise during the process, such as rotten plywood.
  • Including the cost of removing the old roof is important because a lot of times, the contractor assumes that you will take care of it.

These days a person’s word does not go far. You need to have it in writing what will and won’t be done. Repairs and replacements get expensive and having peace of mind is good during home improvements.

Is There Anybody On-Site Who I Can Talk To?

If I come home after a long day at work to discover that your roof is as open as a convertible and the business is ready to leave for the night, you want to know who the project manager is so you can communicate your concerns.

  • While some businesses inform you during the transaction that someone will be on-site managing the work.
  • You may find when you return home that there is no one to be found.
  • Find out before you go home.

If you still don’t know after phoning the company, call them again. Send everyone else away if no one can answer. Respectable roofing businesses will have someone on-site at all times to explain concerns and address inquiries.

 Are They A Licensed Contractor?

Many states demand that a roofer be licensed in the state; nevertheless, each state has its own set of rules. This implies that one code may be needed in Boston but not Nashville. What should a homeowner do?

  • Check your local code requirements.
  • If your state requires contractors, including roofers, to be licensed.
  • Only work with those who are appropriately licensed and have a current license.
  • This will give you a remedy if things go wrong.

A contractor should take enough pride to be licensed. If they are not that might also reflect in their work. When a contractor does not take enough time to maintain his license what else might he not take time for?

Is Workman’s Comp. Insurance Provided For Their Workers?

Employers who have three or fewer workers are not required to provide workman’s compensation insurance until quite recently; now, by law, they must. Although this is the case, some contractors and roofers might take advantage of it.

  • Because insurance isn’t cheap, some people would rather take their chances than buy insurance.
  • Accidents happen and that is when the chance is taken on your property and an employee becomes injured.
  • If you choose a business that doesn’t provide workman’s compensation.
  • You may be responsible for thousands of dollars in medical expenses.

This is something no homeowner wants to endure. Make sure the firm you hire provides workers’ compensation coverage for each employee who will be working on your premises.

Is General Liability Insurance Provided?

Workers’ compensation covers the workers; general liability insurance protects your actual property.

  • For example, if a contractor’s weld fails while welding something to your roof and the business doesn’t have general liability insurance, you could be on the hook for any resulting financial losses.
  • When it comes to insurance, however, don’t just take the roofer’s word for it. Request to see an insurance certificate.
  • As an additional insured on this document, your name and address will be listed if anything goes wrong with the job.

Accidents do happen through no fault by anyone. That is why this insurance is so important. it is better to be safe than sorry. Especially with you and your family’s home safety.

Is My Old Roof To Be Removed?

A few roofers will say to save time and money by inspecting, with their eyes. Then if to them all looks good, they will shingle over it.

  • Unless the old shingles are removed, you will never know if you have soft spots or rotted wood beneath the current ones.
  • If undesirable locations remain behind, you’ll be facing bigger and more expensive problems in the future.
  • Make sure a roofer replaces your roof only after they’ve removed the old one.

Many times consumers do not take time to go over simple information that roofing contractors should have on hand but do not ask the contractor. This could cost the homeowner thousands of dollars and irreplaceable memories. Take the time to review these questions with potential roofing companies.

Hiring a roofing contractor is a big decision. You want to be sure you are making the best choice for your home and your family. Be sure to do your research and ask the right questions when hiring a roofer. That itself is a self-type of insurance on its own.

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